Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Accidental Covid Shot

 Now don't misunderstand me .. Richie and I fully intended to get The Shot; we were just going to do it in our own time.  It seemed to me that as they're pulling the needle out, there was a headline about a new strain "It is unclear if this virus (fill in name ) can deter this new virus.  Or  the announcement of a new lethal side affect.  Teenagers develop heart problems; adults throw blood clots left and right. 

So, "Later, gator" and onward we went.

Until yesterday.  Richie had a Rx at CVS to pick-up and I had a couple of other minerals to pick up.  The knee specialist suggested them (rather forcefully) for the hairline fracture on my left  patella (knee cap to us peasants.) At our second appt. the x-ray showed the fracture was well enough that he told me I could ditch the brace.   YIPPEE!

I'm trying to explain what we were doing in CVS.  Richie went up to the Talk to the Pharmacist window and asked if they were dispensing The  Anti-Virus?  He'd read that CVS was  and could he make an appt. for us if this CVS was doing it?   (Pier and PCH next door to Vons))

"Raffish" our adopted nephew, a medical doctor,  had told me that Moderna, he had found,  was the most promising and that's what he had gotten.  

He did say that with several of the viruses, any side effects present themselves  after the 2nd shot of the mandated program.   The first shot had no affect on us at all so far.  Richie  did whine a little about the  place where the needle went in - he felllt it.   Otherwise we're both fine.  I plan to, uh, forget about the 2nd shot.  June 21st is the scheduled 2nd shot.  (As if ) 

She said they were giving the shots; they weren't busy now and could do it and Richie responded, "No time like the present.  Let's do it."  So the chief pharmacist came from behind the counter and next thing you know, we were in the car, driving away rubbing our upper arms, left arm.  There are more right-handed people than left so bang-o!  Shot to left arm.  

Masks?  Supermarkets and bars.  Then out in the fresh air; ditch the mask. 

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