Saturday, April 18, 2020


Just a mishmash - nothing deep and demanding!

Sign hanging off of a residential balcony in Manhattan - MY HUSBAND IS FOR SALE. Nice looking almost-French style balcony.  Someone may have a valuable asset (rent) they're willing to rid of.

Word from a small town in NW France.  Loctudy's population is 4,029 and to orient you further, it's about 20 miles from much larger Quimper (pop. 62,985) home of the world-famous Quimper pottery.

So this news was somewhat disturbing.  In Loctudy if you go out, you have to carry a piece of paper with your name, address, phone number and the purpose of your trek outdoors.  For. the. police, who may well stop you and ask to see it.

My bestie Michelle reports further from Loctudy that she goes online, orders her groceries and pays for them on the computer.  Her husband then drives over and picks theirs up at a drive-through window. She meticulously cleans everything after he delivers it.

On Thursdays, the local farmers send out word of what's seasonal and especially fresh and what it will cost -  for their weekly market every Saturday.

Our markets offer equally unusual visuals.  Yesterday during a visit to the Riviera Village Trader Joe's, everyone was wearing a mask.  Customers, clerks, stock persons.  None were like these two.

Woman #1's mask looked like a bra that had been cut in half, using the bra straps as well as the lorn cup.

Woman #2 was wearing one that frankly made me sneak peeks.  It looked like one of those male thong bathing suits.  Knitted in black (or so it looked) with what looked like a baby elephants trunk descending.  It swayed as she pushed her car with gusto down wine aisles.

I really needed something TJ's doesn't carry - Mind Bleach.

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