Thursday, December 19, 2019

He's Impeached. Now Can We All Calm Down and Get On With It?

"IT" being Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza.

I came across a US News poll for (of all things) the worst U.S. Presidents of all (in a long line, I might add.)  By order of time period:

Benjamin Harrison - widely blamed for the Panic of 1893

Chester A. Arthur - won the election but he was not a party favorite.

Herbert Hoover made (or is said to have made) the Great Depression worse.

In a tie - John Tyler and Millard Fillmore  Both wicked but who was worse?  Dunno.

William G. Harding - one scandal after another Teapot Dome the  most notable

Franklin Pierce - set the stage for the Civil War

Andrew Johnson - impeached

James Buchanan - Refused to challenge states that had accepted slavery.


Richard Nixon  #15

Jimmy Carter #18

Gerald Ford #19
Side trip over to impeachment in the United States.  Parade led by Andrew Johnson who escaped eviction by one vote.  Bill Clinton just went on about his business while much of America grumbled in indignation.  (None of us were alive in Johnson's day; thus we can only speculate at the indignation roiling around him.)

The slap on the hand that impeachment means to me - just that.

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