Saturday, December 21, 2019

Ancient Amusements While Waiting for Santa

Long ago, well before even the invention and popularity of the radio (!) people of all ages and wealth loved jigsaw puzzles.   They gathered around a card table in front of the fire, sipped sherry and occasionally reached down to pet the dog at their feet and among squeals from the ladies and hearty guffaws from the menfolk, an evening passed in great entertainment.  Glancing back and forth between piles of oddly-shaped pieces of cardboard and the box lid which showed the completed work, people loved the sense of a successful conclusion when Viola! it was done!  And the compliments that ensued.  "A thousand pieces!  My lands! would you look at that!"

In today's world (and am not going to list them here) jigsaw puzzles have been elevated to an astonishingly different status.

My favorite site is a free (free - this can never be stressed too much) set of hundreds of puzzles and a variety of innovatively-sized puzzles pieces - traditional, birds - set bird shapes that interlock for a completed puzzle.  Euros, the US States - Florida is a give away; polygons  (good luck) bulbs, circles... Numerous choices for subjects, too.  Animals - dogs, cats, miscellaneous (camels, horses, monkeys) birds, butterflies, gardens, flower close ups, portraits, cities - St. Louis Square New Orleans …  Right now Christmas - of Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving among others, is currently running in the New One Every Day challenge to finish in the shortest period of time.  Number of pieces are your choice, too.  Start every shape new to you by getting six pieces (babies could do it) and on up to 279, your choice of shape.  The 48 piece Euros are my favorite.

All of this entertainment for free!.  And then you go to bed and in the morning, "Why Santa Claus was here!"  Sometimes updating an old thing into a new one can be quite entertaining.

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