Monday, April 8, 2019

Waiting for Survey Results To Trickle In

Recently - in fact it was yesterday -  I queried the five ex-pat Brits I know to answer this pressing question:

With Queen Elizabeth II in office, if you will, has this helped or hindered the elections of female Prime Ministers (of which so far there have been two)?

The first responder didn't address this, but did Brexit - which is running longer that sitting through "Gone With the Wind" twice.

I am keeping her response to see what the others might say and will then run them.

Since it's not my country, I am not allowed an  opinion about this subject, but even from a fairly distant connection with their doings,  it seems to this more or less dispassionate reader, that they took off on this idea, but didn't have even a vague idea how to do it once it was decided to do it.

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