Friday, November 29, 2019

Leftover Turkeys

Mistaken - Correction 
It has been wrongly reported that the mild earthquakes that occurred at around 5 p.m. yesterday across the United States were the end of the world.  They were not.  What they were was everyone who had generously served themselves from the Thanksgiving feast all burped/belched at the same time.  

Remembering the Dead and being thankful for their company
Tombstone Division

 Here lies Noah Scape
He always felt trapped

A husband and wife twin tombstones.  His read Stupid; hers, I'm With Stupid

   Here lies John Yeast
Pardon me for not rising

(Somewhat mean-spirited)
Here lies my wife
I bid her goodbye
She rests in peace
And now, so do I

This one has an Irish lilt to it, I think

Uncle Walter loved to spend
He had no money in the end
But with many a Whiskey and many a wife
He really did enjoy his life

Rejoice for lunch today!  A turkey and dressing sandwich on air bread (white Wonder bread or similar) lay on the mayo!  Tragically I didn't make enough dressing.  Turkey and gravy with a slice of raw onion?  Barbecue sauce instead of mayo?  Don't forget the dill pickle to nibble on with your sandwich.

Lastly - Happy 92nd Birthday Vin Scully!

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