Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Price Change in Aisle 4!

You are not in a Wal-Mart but the Great Store of dead or mostly dead celebrities... the price change from 1997 for signed celebrity photos contrasted with prices and people in 2016 is interesting.  Not a particularly good reflection of "today's values" perhaps, but interesting.

Madonna - $250
Julia Roberts - $195
Harrison Ford - 150
Demi Moore, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michelle Pfeiffer -  each $125

James Dean - 18.000 Euros
Bruce Lee - 11,000 Euros
Horatio Nelson - 10,500 Euros
Princess Diana and  Einstein - 8,950 Euros each
Neil Armstrong - 8,500 Euros
JFK - 7,950 Euros
Winston Churchill, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe 6,950 Euros each

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