Monday, July 19, 2021

Royals Are So Tight That ..

If you gave them a nickel they would squeeze it until the buffalo pooped.  

Royals don't carry cash; Princess Margarete didn't even have a credit card.  She does get cash by taking gifts - how you ask?  One gift was a gift basket that was so big it took two people to carry it into Her Presence.  Boxing Day she and a Lady-in- Waiting hied themselves over to Crabtree and Evelyn and returned it for cash!  The manager said it was against store policy but she wouldn't budge and left licking her chops in glee and counting the money.

One of Prince Charles valets had to load his solid silver toothbrush with the toothpaste every night.  He traveled with a stuffed teddy bear,  Once he forgot it so one of the Queens Flight planes had to turn the plane around and go get it.

The Queen once gave her laundry lady a big basked of clothes pins - her idea of a practical gift.

Another time one of her corgis killed a rabbit and the Queen, handed it to her chef and  said, "Oh good, we can eat this!"

One year she gave all of her staff members potted chrysanthemums with instructions:  when the flowers die return the pot to the head gardener.  The populace approved of one of her water-saving ways.  Every bathroom in Buckingham Palace warned ""Don't pull for a pee."  Reminded me of the old hippie adage:  "If it's brown, flush it down; if it's yellow, let it mellow."  She couldn't have  or did she .. 

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