Thursday, July 29, 2021

Going To The Dentist - Choose One

My reaction to an upcoming dental appt. is:   NO! NO!  

Meh what's the fuss - they give you drugs - it can't hurt 

Lots of people have very sensitive gums? Can't be the teeth - think of their construction.  Eh, let's just go with : "sensitive mouth."  I'm one of them and am very happy to report a new drug.  

Used to be that the gum numbing was given via a gel on the end of a Q-tip rubbed all around the gums.

But now - ah, bliss.  Tiny little dispensers - a needle that dispenses the numb-er under the gums!  You'll hear a tiny "click, click" as the dispenser does it's job.  

What you won't feel is a numb throat - saliva travels deadening much in it's path.   So go gently and calmly into the black void of getting your teeth cleaned.  Good dental hygiene is all.

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