Friday, September 25, 2020

The 624 Acre Front yard

The estate that goes with all of this land was once owned by Mary Anne Custis Lee who inherited  it  from  Martha Washington who was her great, great grandmother.  Who was clearly clearly quite  fond of Mary Anne who, at the time, was Mrs. Robert E. Lee

Today it is Arlington National Cemetery established as such on May 13, 1864. 

And it is a busy place as some 25 to 30 burials are held every day.  No wonder they are running out of space for new arrivals.  There are 22 million people okayed to be buried here but there are fewer than 95,000 spaces available 

An expansion to accommodate another 60,00 spaces is apparently still pending.  If it passes or the money is found, that would increase the Arlington"  life for another 150 years.

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