Monday, July 20, 2020

Reinventing The Wheel or Somethinng Like That

Bon Appetit featured a Tropical version of the old (1937) Cobb Salad created and named by executive chef Robert Kries, to honor Brown Derby owner Robert Cobb.

The story goes that Cobb hadn't eaten all day, it was midnight and he was roaringly hungry, so he went out into the kitchen and made himself a salad of that day's leftovers.

Traditional contents - hard-oiled eggs, bacon, butter lettuce, red onion, avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and diced, cooked chicken.  Roquefort or Bleu cheese dressing.

Tin Roof Bistro, Manhattan Beach, CA, serves a version with these ingredients:  chicken morsels, bacon, grapes, walnuts, celery, crisp shallots, avocado, herb and vinaigrette dressing.

Tropi-Cobb Salad, courtesy Bon Appetit "summarizes" it with this version:  avocados, mango slices, cherry tomatoes, red onion, Little Gem or butter lettuce.

Dressing: your choice - the salad dressing shelf space at any supermarket  is home to a wild variety of them!  Add your customizing and own the tropics!

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