Sunday, September 28, 2014

Square Watermelons and Pumpkinsteins

A man named Tony Dighera, 53, of Fillmore, CA, has come up with a Halloween/Octoberfest pumpkin that resembles Frankenstein's head. 

Dighera is a retired backhoe operator for the LA Dept. of Water and Power.  Ten years ago, he retired and bought a 40-acre organic farm that he named "Cinagro" or organic backwards. 

Not content with merely growing everything organically, he searched for a money-maker.  Inspired by the inedible Japanese square watermelon (grown in square jars) he spent four years and $500,000 (mostly borrowed) to bring to fruition (couldn't resist, apologies) his version of Frankenstein's head from a pumpkin.  He uses two-sided molds as the pumpkin grows.  Apparently it's a tricky process -- too much area covered and the pumpkins will condense; too small and they won't develop into the final shape.  

He is about to reap his initial investment big time - each Pumpkinstein wholesales for $75 each and retails at such as Bristol Farms, Gelsons and Whole Foods for $100 an $125 each.  He reports he has sold 5,500 of them and is very nearly sold out for next year's crop. or Cinagro probably has a Website.  

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