Thursday, January 17, 2019

RSVP-ing an Invitation

I have been invited to be one of the readers at the South Bay Stories Show which is a chance for writers to tell a story to an audience who will have actually paid money to sit there and hear them!  Do you believe this (expletive deleted)  This isn't until the end of March - I will keep you informed.

The publicity hand-outs require each of us to include a photo and a brief biography (50 words or less.)

Here is my copy:

Always the only female  freelance photojournalist on the track, Nina covered NASCAR, NHRA, Grand Prix racing and today writes a near-daily blog.  Based on his ancestor (a Huguenot) her father stressed learning French.  So she did and a totally unexpected life style began.   "And the Best Blog Is:  Word of Mouth"

Suck on that #MeToo.

To readers - didn't list them all but add off-road, sprint cars, motorcycles and whatever else had wheels at the time.

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