Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Doctor Is In -- But He's IN Japan

Chatting with my GP at yesterday afternoon's routine appointment, he disclosed that he has a blog spot, too.  Unlike this one, his is efficiently arranged and covers Japan very well indeed.  Clearly, the man knows the place as he has made several trips there and paid close attention while he was there.. 

His site   covers not only Tokyo,, but Osaka (most modern - they've even got a Universal Studios!)  Kyoto (for history) and Kobe (for "exquisite food.") 

For all of these plus Tokyo, you can find here reasonable hotels, best street food, best restaurants, attractions, how to get around on their public transportation and most importantly, how to buy the ticket to do so - every ticket machine has a button for English. 

He's a young man, apparently traveling solo, and he explores nightlife and bars with as much gusto as a historic site.  The vending machines and their weird possibilities intrigue him - he swears that you can get gourmet food at some of them.  I cocked a dubious eyebrow at that one, but the man knows his onions. 

To say that his blog is lavishly illustrated with photos is understatement.  Typical day in (fill in city name) shots, beauty shots (temples, parks, statues, buildings) as well as food, glorious food.  He explains many of the dishes' contents which is reassuring to someone who is not well-versed or, indeed versed at all in Japanese foods and cooking styles. 

If you don't actually want to shift your languid ass and GO East, this is a great blog to daydream over as the winter winds howl around your house.  Happy trails to you!

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