Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Comments on The Third Inning ...

From Shropshire Sheila - When I lived your side, it was the only American game I could understand.  Football (even with the help of vodka)  was a complete blur.  I was so happy to hear the 2 minute buzzer until it took 2 bloody hours to finish.  Basketball has more rules than a Kardashian has shoes and I am a major sports fan.  From what you say though, the organ would drive me nuts.

Doug V. - Very interesting and quite funny!  The organ music at a baseball game can, without question, be irritating; however, I think it may be better than some of those little five-piece ensembles that appear at some NFL teams' games.  You can't really hear them, but you can tell they're doing something because your tympanic membranes are vibrating.

And then there is that infernal cathedral bell that NFL teams ring when the visiting team has a third down and the home defense is being encouraged to clobber them. 

Finally, there are those NBA announcers who can extend the name Jones to make it sound like a 24-syllable word.  It is sports in our modern world. 

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