Monday, March 11, 2019

Of Hawaiian Chili Water and Xylophones

Saveur, a lesser-known foodie magazine, arrived the other day and browsing through it I came across a said-to-be Hawaiian specialty.  Chili Water which accordingly is a condiment on every table in Hawaii, including one's home.

Never having been there and not planning to go, I asked family and friends who have been there.  In some cases, many times.  Only one response so far, and it was from my sister.  She said she'd never seen it because the family stayed in condos and largely cooked their own meals.  Thus, she knew nothing about it.

What particularly intrigued me in the article was the assertion that Chili Water is also sipped (like fine wine?) to cut the cloying sweetness of some Hawaiian foods.

8 oz.  water
2 oz. white vinegar
1 teas. kosher salt
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 to 3 fresh red chili peppers

Boil the water, add everything else, pour into a clean jar and store the jar in a cool place for two days and then begin using it, storing it in the refrigerator.  The type chilis used will determine the final amount of heat generated.  Mahalo.

Yesterday's monthly South Bay New Orleans Jazz Club meeting's featured band was a quartet:
Piano, drums, and the triple-threat - he played trombone, cornet and clarinet - and a xylophone guy!

My mind instantly flashed back to the old "Ed Sullivan Show" - remember that?  This quartet gave good value for whatever pittance the club is able to pay the featured bands.  Their set ran a half an hour longer than booked, due largely I think, to the fact that each number seemed to last at least 10 minutes.

Nevertheless it was enjoyable and we did.  But the band I love to see is coming on Sunday, April 14th, from 2 to 4 p.m. and it's the Youth-oriented - you must be 13 to 20 years old, be able to read music and love jazz.  These kids put on a wonderful show, complete with uniforms, and the front row band name on shields in front of the first row of players to hide the music stands.  Tremendously nostalgic sight and especially with kids doing the playing.  I'll mention this opportunity to see some good, focused, young adults until closer to the date.

Meanwhile you can make Hawaiian chili water?

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