Thursday, March 20, 2014

Growing Pains In a New Industry

H/T to Mike in Superior, CO. who sent me the blog of one William Breathes, of Denver, who covers the budding marijuana industry in Colorado.

Mike is the same guy that previously sent us the price list and wine list-like descriptions of the various varieties. 

Breathes, writing for   mentions that the High Times Cannabis Cup awards will be held the weekend of April 20th.  Based on what I read, it's a marijuana-fest with awards for best presentation, best booth and so forth.  People are allowed to smoke dope at this thing!  But money down, no one is allowed to smoke a real cigarette. 

As always, not everyone was happy with last year's results.  "Don't buy from Karmaceuticals!" wrote one irritated former client.  "The lawyers are gonna get rich from all of the fools and tools that get busted for driving while stoned," promised another.  "Look for corporate sellers like Starbucks or CVS in your neighborhood - that'll be next!" warned another.

Mr. Breathes has gone far beyond the line of duty to personally visit a number of the marijuana vendors and reports back on the ambience found inside (if any) and the friendliness (or not) of the proprietors...  Can you imagine that on your resume?  Grass Reporter?

I never dreamed that "medical" marijuana enjoyed such popularity.  I thought smoking dope had died a natural death (couldn't resist) ((should have)) back in the '60s. 

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