Thursday, February 18, 2021

Incoming Mail

For some reason - phases of the moon or something? the jokes have been coming on like a hurricane.  These particularly amused me and I hope they will, you, too.

Babies are smarter than we might think?

You can't baptize a cat, no matter how hard you might try

If Mom is bad at Dad, don't let her brush your hair!  You'll be sorry.   

You can't hide broccoli in milk. 


What happens if you get scared to death twice?

Is there ever a day when mattresses are NOT for sale?  Where?  Not in my neighborhood.

Did some financial planning and found that I can retire at 62 and live in comfort for 11 minutes

Aftermath of this plague -- you could wind up a Monk or Hunk or Chunk or Drunk.  Be careful what  you choose.

A hearty "Thank You!" to the gifted humorists who consistently send the gift of laughter.  It's always welcome. 

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