Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Great Entertainment - Very Local!

We have "funny houses" out here in Southern California.  The bedrooms and full bathroom live on the first floor and the second floor houses the kitchen, dining room and living room.   We both have favorite chairs.  Richie's is a recliner, shared with Streak our 20 year old cat.  She's a recliner junky.

Mine is an armchair that gives a sweet view of the trees in the back yard through the redwood lattice work fence- an old and fully grown avocado tree (brag here; I grew it from the pit.)  The other big tree has little red berries on it and is h u g e.  I would like to set fire to it and cover where it once was with salt.

The balcony is often host to various creatures:

The hummingbirds have a feeder and hanging flower pots; the odd squirrel passes through and takes one bite of avocdado which ruins it for the rest of us.   Fat Sparrow still hasn't learned that his/her beak is too small to feed from the hummingbird feeder (and never will be.)  But valiantly she/he presses on.  The hummingbirds don't mix it up with Fat Sparrow and  all live in harmony.  

Most recently we had a rat paying calls, but since we now never put out food; (bread crusts) we see him no more.   Fred, our seven year old cat has learned when to expect Ratty and goes to a prime viewing spot until the rat takes off. 

My chosen spot for sitting features a good view of a beautiful Fan Palm Tree"  In the slightest wind, it dips and straightens; comes back and does it all again.  It is absolutely hypnotizing.  

All together, we have a lot to see right off of our balcony.  And hope you do as well.

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