Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dining At The Hyphens

"Hyphens" in this instance, used above, refers to hyphen-named restaurants.  Such as Baskin-Robbins or A &(-) W Root Beer.  When they are two of the closest places to your hotel with food, and the only ones advertised for their proximity ... you have been well and truly snookered.

It seemed unlikely to me, too, that I would ever find myself in such dire straits that those two food groups would be the only readily available to me.

But all that was before I was notified that the bold 1958 Southeast High School graduates of Kansas City, Missouri,  would be celebrating their 60th graduation on a September weekend to be headquartered in in Olathe, KS.

During the 60 years that most of us have been absent from dear old SE H.S., change has come to our previously serene old neighborhoods.  Many of them are  not any more.

Thus, those that still live in Kansas City, MO or KS, decided that it might be a better idea to throw this shindig well away from our old grounds.

The Hilton Garden Inn photos did not display the dining room, but did mention that they have a marketplace for buy it, drag it up to your room and nuke it.

Happily for all concerned, I noted Joe's Kansas City Barbecue, Olathe, located what appeared to be only a log toss away.

We can have B-R or A-W for dessert.

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