Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Head's Up For Fashionistas

Today let us address the thinking of a man named James Laver (1899 - 1975) who was a curator at the Victoria oand Albert Museum.  His thoughts were publicized by the phrase "Laver's Law."  They are a kind of a periodic table -- but for fashion.

Laver's Law
Indecent - 10 years before its time
Shameless - 5 years before its time
Daring - 1 year before its time
Smart - current fashion
Dowdy - a year after it's time
Hideous - 10 years after its time
Ridiculous - 20 years after its time
Amusing - 30 years after it's time
Quaint - 50 years after its time
Charming - 70 years after its time
Romantic - 100 years after its time
Beautiful - 150 years after its time

I don't think his "law" is going to cover such as:  The Sack Dress (mid-50s) which really did hang like up upside down, closed sack on women.  Hot Pants could never be considered Romantic OR Beautiful.  This proves that no one rule is good for all to me... 

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