Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Surfeit of Chocolate

Salon du Chocolate, Place de la Porte Versailles, Paris 75015, France

Michelle forwarded the site and several pictures of the wonders to be seen at this "All Chocolate; All of the Time" exhibit. Models swirled around a stage wearing dresses made of chocolate..beautiful vases of flowers graced the auditorium -- all made of chocolate.

This is (apparently) an annual tour (I had to cobble together information from various Web sites.) It closed today in Paris and will then go to New York Nov. 7-9, then Moscow Nov. 28- 30; Tokyo Jan. 21 -26 and finally back to Paris Oct. 14 - 16, 2009 (mark your calendars.) I wondered how they transport all of these chocolate items -- and realized they tour in the winter months...

A staistician wrote that Belgians eat the most chocolate -- 23.59 pounds per person per year! Amazingly, we Americans are only good for about one pound a year per person.

The French accounted for $3.44 billion and more than 360,000 tons of it, but the CEOs of such as Cadbury and Karft Foods are hoping for a big break through in China. It's believed that the Chinese have little taste for "sweets" but that once they see this exhibition, Katy bar the door!

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