Saturday, March 24, 2018

Marching Toward Nowhere In Great Numbers

Today some 500,000 people are expected to march in Washington, DC, plus another 700,000 people in the US and abroad.  The thrust of all of this shoe leather on the street is to provide safer schools for all.   Only a psychopath, brain moldering away in his mother's basement, would NOT want greater safety for children.  Marchs are usually pointless; this one certainly is.  It should be called #Marching for the Obvious

I would like to point out that no march has ever changed anything.  Marchs strike me as an opportunity to maybe get a media mention as well as numerous selfies.  Certainly that's what Oprah and George Clooney (to name only two celebrities) are doing today.  TV cameramen are checking battery levels; commentators are tantrumming if they can't get an appointment with their hairdressers...make-up artists are feverishly flipping through their tackle boxes to make sure all of their tools are there.

However:  there is joy in some circles at the news of a massive march like this.  The CEOs of airlines, bus companies, Amtrak are writhing in joy.  Police officers are quietly smiling to themselves - "Overtime!  Crowd control - maybe bust a few heads?  Bring it ON"

Medical staff are manning first aid centers along the parade route and the bottled water people are fighting in the gutters to put up their tent and serve their water.

The sanitation guys, however, are sullenly relaxing for as long as they can before they have to fire up the dump trucks and go clear away mega tons of trash, tossed carelessly aside.  They remember the 620 tons left after this year's Mardi Gras parade; the 60 tons they had to deal with after the Philadelphia Eagles win. 

"Oh, this the end of the parade?  Don't need this (empty water bottles, posters, signs) any more," plop onto the street.

And then, litter disposed of, the marcher wanders off to see what's next.  As unenlightened as he/she was before the march ever started.  Poor, poor dears.  Fooled again.  And with blisters and bunions to prove it.  Surely they consider them war wounds in their great battle to right a wrong!  Unsuccessfully yet again.

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