Thursday, January 1, 2009

Then and Now

Adieu to two fine writers - Edith Battles, 87, and Jean Desmond, 88.

Highlights (in order of appearance)
* All new windows and a new balcony door! Not nearly as hot as it used to be during the summer; not nearly as cold as it was in winter. Yesssss! Bliss!
* My 50th high school reunion in Kansas City, MO. It's always good to see the old home town, but my goodness, who were all those old people?
* Michelle flew in from France; first time in 14 years!

Business As Usual: Attending the K9 trials, the St. Patrick's Day parade, Memorial and Labor Day Fiestas in Hermosa Beach; CERT drills and their annual picnic; Beach Cities Health District's annual picnic and Christmas dinner for volunteers; the monthly jazz concerts, Richie's annual train trip to San Diego with D and Mouton to see a Padre's game and the family charity golf tournament (and unofficial reunion) in South Texas. Lots of fun times with our friends - a good year.

No resolutions, just the fervent hope that God will give me the ability to deal ably with any circumstances lobbed my way this year.

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