Thursday, December 17, 2020

Yesterday's Tea Party - December 16, 1773

This tea party was rather more active than most we've attended.  First we had to capture and board a British ship to throw some 300 chests of tea into the harbor.  Damned Brits can just take their tea and the taxes they charge for it right into Davy Jones Locker and begone with them.

Tea is a necessity in British life. - "Come out in the kitchen for a "cuppa."  

They'd have plenty of choices since it is believed in some circles that there are 20,000 varieties in the world.   They are subdivided into - Green - Black - Herbal - Oolong - White - Fermented - Yellow   Green and Black 

Be that as may.  The 300 chests of tea  made a helluva froth in Boston Harbor!   Except for heaving chests of tea around and  the work in the cold, it was a fun event.    

Best of all, we got a refund on taxes previously paid.  

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