Sunday, July 14, 2019

Stuff White People Like Is a Real Website

And it's great entertainment no matter what color you might be.  There's always that wonderful comparative ethnicity wherein yours is the best.  And the corollary is that you can feel superior especially to fellow white slobs.

What is this poor demented woman writing about now?  Is she trying to start a race riot?  Does she not know that any mention whatsoever of the fact that people do come in a great many shades is  rude?

Here are a couple I picked at random …

Art Appreciation
At the time this was written, the graffiti artist Banksy was a  big hit.  White People consider graffiti to be "art" when it looks like something other than squiggles which are considered vandalism.

The World Cup
It allows White People to pretend that they are European and that they get to match a country with the tipple of choice there.

They don't remember a single play in any of the games (or the games themselves)  but can remember with instant recall getting knee-walking drunk on Sangria during a Spain-Paraguay match at 5 a.m.

Roller Derbies (Women's Division)
Considered a whimsical event to watch, but not one in which to participate.  Skaters stage names provide additional glee.   For additional laughs, Google "female roller derby names" and see what comes up.   In fact that's such a good idea that I'm off to do it.  Happy hunting!

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