Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Of Course It's All About Me!

But you knew that, right?   A few trivial updates

I slid into raptures about the "waffle pillow" after a brief explanation as to what I was doing at the wound care clinic.  Yesterday at an 11 a.m. appt. I was dismissed from further visits.  The "superficial" pressure sore was gone.

Next was the lift-maker.  Very often a broken hip causes a shortening of the attached leg.  To avoid future back problems, you need a lift in that shoe.

Having had "orthotics" from a podiatrist MD I was rather dreading this not because it's painful in any way, but it takes a long time to measure it, more time to cast it to make a mold that is expressly designed for you and all at a cost of about $800 if I remember correctly; it was some time ago.  And they've been lying on the floor of my closet since then.

This was totally different!  The technician took my right shoe, disappeared for about five minutes and returned with the shoe and the prosthetic inside it.  The device is a hard plastic which may account for the speed with which it was made.

Alert:  Go for a "lift" and not an "orthotic" - you'll save a lot of money.

Best remark I've heard (so far) about Bruce to Caitlin was in the Comments section that followed an article:

"Well, at least she's perfectly positioned for the 2016 Olympics women's events."

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