Friday, January 8, 2010

Ranting Into the Abyss - Again

I saw it again in one of the two newspapers we get daily - the headline "Openly-gay (politician) has decided to run for (new position.) "Openly-gay, eh." What has that got to do with that person's achievements, thoughts on taxes and other matters that actually DO matter to voters.

If we live to be 1,000 (and mazel tov if so) we will never see "Openly-straight (politician)"... "Firmly-closeted (politician) ... " wouldn't surprise me at all.

I believe that when the AP (Associated Press) assigns this label, it is their deliberate attempt to stir up the Fundamentalists and others who are violently anti-gay. This is not uniting America, not at all.

I further dislike AP's habit of labeling people thusly: "Antwon Carver Washington, African-American" or "Abu Dahbu Du, Arabic-American," or famous Italian-American racer Mario Andretti said today"

I believe that we are sophisticated enough to know by someone's name alone their origins which - again - are most decidedly NOT on any must-have information list.

If we truly are to be a united country., these labels must be abandoned. Write your local newspaper. Protest! I'm going to do just that.

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