Sunday, January 3, 2010

Disclaimer Urgently Needed!

We, the residents of Southern California, have a seasonal situation that should be fixed forthwith. I'm speaking of the hordes of people who come here from the north, Midwest and northern East Coast for the RoseBowl Parade.

Bright with anticipation, eager faces turn up to bask in the sun, they are unaware that by no later than January 15th, the weather will have turned and stayed cold, rainy and foggy until the end of June. Hence the nicknames "June Gloom" which follows "Gray May."

What happens after these cold weather dwellers get here? Clearly the sun unhinges them. Typical conversation at the Rose Bowl events, "Maudeen, Ah believe you'ah right. this is puhfect weathuh." And Maudeen replies, "Clyde, Ah'm damned sick and tire of living in (insert location.) Let's move out heah!"

Boom! They've sold the old homesteads and driven their trucks and moving vans out here. They're probably going to get here by mid-February and most likely, they'll say., "Aw, it's jest a spella bad weather. No need to fret." But the unpleasant weather continues...more and more disheartened, they begin to miss family and friends. They put their houses/condos/apartments up for sale and, disisllusioned, they move back home.

Accounting largely for Southern California's massive real estate slump.

My solution? Every travel agent, airline, bus and train ticket seller should make them sign a piece of paper that says: "I (name) do understand that what I am about to see here in Southern California does not represent this fine state's true weather conditions. I do accept that the minute the Rose Bowl festivities are over, the darkness will descend. And I hereby promise to go back home. (Signed and dated.)"

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