Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Of Anorexia and And The South Bay Salad Dressing

I ran across a novel way of addressing the genre "Four girls meet in college/girls' school"...chick lit.

Put your heroines in an anorexia treatment live-in rehab facility.  Just as if they were all various drug addicts.  And continue with Life in Rehab (and, in this case, a lot more about anorexia, bulimia, side bar for cutting and similar than I ever wanted to learn) and carry on.

Of note, chefs hate vegetarians or vegans.  They're a real pain inna ass with "No eggs, cheese, dairy, butter" and more.  More, much more. Thank you Anthony Bourdin.

"The Girls at 17 Swann Street" by Yara Zgheib   370 pages   $27.99

If you are contemplating adopting anorexia, here are some of the side effects that ought to shut down that little whim quite quickly.  Because of the loss of any meaningful nutrients, the body's chemistry is thrown off, leaving you wide open to a failing heart, constantly being cold and wearing an overcoat to the beach, your entire body will sprout very fine hair in an effort to retains some heat; your skin breaks down behind being so dry that a dirty look can make a bruise … Read the book by all means - a loved one may someday have this problem which is a listed psychiatric disease.  Just read, don't do.

I Thought So!

Pier Salad Dressing is not called that but is served at Old Tony's and Kincaids as the house dressing, only the other items in the salads differ.

Basic dressing

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
Lashings of white pepper

Old Tony's -  iceberg lettuce, tossed with grated, hard-boiled egg, little baby shrimp   I loved that salad!  When Tony's Fish Market sold to another, my biggest fear was that sister restaurant Old Tony's would abandon it.  Happily not.

Kincaid's Broadway Pea Salad - butter lettuce used as cups for:

 a bag of frozen baby peas - defrosted and dried.  Add sliced water chestnuts,  bacon crumblets and toss.

Interestingly enough, frozen baby peas are actually good as somehow they retain a spring-like freshness.

Bon appetite!

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