Friday, February 6, 2015

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Okay, let's be fair here - I can't make this stuff up.  Who knows how creative you could be?  You could be absolutely brilliant at off-beat inventions.  But today I'm reduced to the role of a scavenger raven, picking through the corn field in search of nourishment. 

What am I babbling about?  The "Chocolate Shooter," invented by Dominique Persoone, of Bruges, Belgium.  The device delivers a shot of a mix of cocoa powder and mint and ginger or raspberry up your nose.  

Patroone created the device, modeling it from a snuff shooter that his grandfather favored, in  2007 for some kind of a Rolling Stones party making it the first ever item inhaled by a Stone with no illegal additives whatsoever.  Patroone didn't think it would take off; it was intended as a one-time deal.  To date he has sold 25,000 of them at $50 each. 

Who could make up this kind of silliness?  Answer:  Clearly Patroone did.

Source:  2/6/15

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