Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Clarification and Perspective

Assault guns are my target.  I don't care if you have a houseful of .38s, .22s or similar.  If you live out in the country (nearest neighbor is 10 miles away) then I advocate buying a rifle or a shotgun to defend yourself (or kill snakes.)   Kansas ... Clutter family?  Remember?

Some statistics of note:

in 2012 there were 58,344 federally-licensed gun dealers who sold 47,856 guns.

in 2015 there were 64,747 federally-licensed gun dealers versus (nationwide)
10,843 Starbucks (2013)
37,716 grocery stores (2014)
14,350 MacDonalds (2014
55,246 coffee shops (2016)

source  citylab.com

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