Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update from Storm Survivors, On The Ground in Huntington, NY

Richie wasn't able to talk to his brother Charlie, so he called Charlie and Rosalind's son Bryan.  Bryan's wife Kelly answered the phone and said that a tree had fallen at the side of the house, taking out an old boat that had been stored there.

She handed off to Bryan who said that the Bayliner's demise was "a blessing" - he'd wanted to get rid of it for quite a while.  As it's a wood boat, Richie helpfully suggested Bryan chop it up for firewood. 

He went on to say that it will be eight to 10 days before they get electricity again, but happily they have a generator. 

He reported that between 7 and 8 p.m. last night was the worst of it.  His exact phrase was "freakin' bad!"  That may have been when a huge limb from a tree fell on Charlie's garage roof, "But it didn't do that much damage," Bryan reported.

Kelly and her mother have horses and little Amelia has a pony in a barn on the property.  Kelly's Mom went out to check them a couple of times during the night and reported they were "dancing around" in their stalls.   Today they are out in their pasture.

Bryan said that a neighbor a couple of doors down lost every tree in his front yard and the same thing had happened after the previous bad storm.  Something about that location, he mused. 

The grocery stores are closed, but Bryan reports that a 7-11, a pizzaria and the bagel store were open -- with lines out of the doors.  He didn't stop.

All in all,  since no one in the family got hurt, the tree damage seems to be the worst that befell them.  And there are plenty of trees on the North Shore of Long Island. 

Updates as more information comes in.

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