Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Vultures Slow Circling Has Begun

"The Kennedy Legacy - Jack, Bobby and Ted and a Family Dream Fulfilled" by Vincent Bzdek Palgrave Macmillan 254 pages (not including indexes) $26.95

The Acknowledgement (front of book) starts... Shortly after Kennedy collapsed from a seizure in May 2008, I hurred to several bookstores in search of something to read about Kennedy and his lifelong contributions to the Kennedy legacy. (italics by Ed)

Well! Quel horror! Nothing (!) had been written in the past 10 years about this star. And so, surprise! His editor suggested that he write a new book "that placed him in the center of the family narrative." I.e., massive spin on the acknowledged under-achiver of that family.

I would not have thought that there was any new ground to be ploughed about this family. About the only thing left is analization of why and how they succeeded which this book attempts to do.

I've always thought that the Kennedys were careless people -- careless about others' feelings, possessions and those of others -- Got drunk and wrecked the car? No worries! Here's a new one! Oh, someone got hurt? What's her name; I'll write a check. The kind of over-bearing arrogance that I find fascinating, frankly.

In their heyday (some 50 years running) the manner in which they extricated themselves from their own doings could madden me. But now that generation, save Ted, has all gone to their dubious rewards. RIP

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