Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tonight Only!

Tonight May 7th is the third and last of the super Moons.  Tonight the Super Flower Moon  will be 6 percent larger than usual and - bonus points - it will be accompanied by the Eta Aquariids meteor shower.

This has been preceded by same or similar  moons - variously known as Mother's Moon or Milk Moon or Corn Planting Moon.  There won't be another until April 2021.  Don't miss it now!

I intended to suggest going to the Griffith Park Observatory, but checked first and they are CLOSED due to the virus.  We can only hope that the usual personnel will be there, cameras at the ready.

Save the Observatory for future reference; if you think about it this is as close to outer space we're going to get.  Don't forget your light saber if you go!

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