Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Scientific Treatise On The Effects of Daylight Savings Time on Our Pet Cats and Dogs

Unfortunately I found no specific results for this topic on your average gerbil or hamster.  In lieu of same, I would add that I once had a tank of goldfish that were smart enough to know when feeding time was and would churn up their waters at their usual time for a bite.

As is true of too many scientific tests to be measured, both cats and dogs and many others of our animal friends are driven by greed.  I.e. for  owners who feed their cats/dogs at a specific time.  While these animals can't read a clock per se their stomachs serve as their time-telling aids.

An oddity in this matter is that pets who are given a medication at a specific time of day, never seem to await that as they do their normal food.   Our 17 year old calico cat gets a liquid medicine at 7 a.m. every other day and so far, she still tears into her breakfast and then curls up for a digestive nap, making it very easy to tip her head and insert the syringe into her mouth.  Now a smarter animal might be able to figure the routine and instead of going to her cushion, hie out like a car thief for a new , less visible spot, but so far not and I am grateful.

So in answer to the many pet owners who contacted me re this pressing question, feed as normal during this new time and your pet will gradually accustom it's self to a new feeding time.  Over-the-top owners:  you don't have to change feeding time by five minute increments.  Both you and the pet will wind up confused as hell. Moderation in all things …

T/U Richie for asking me about this this morning.  I hope you find this information useful.

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