Thursday, March 8, 2018

Uber! Flyte! New Market!

Start-up costs would include one ambulance per city where you already have a presence.  Advertising would be minimal - word of mouth would soon spread the news - "Uber!  I need the ambulance!"  "Flyte!  Fly me to the hospital!"

What prompted this genius idea?  Richie got the bill for his ride in a commercial ambulance after the Redondo paramedics kicked his ass loose.  The distance between our house to Providence - Little Co. of Mary is 3.7 miles (using Anza) and in a civilian ride takes 15 minutes.  Obviously an ambulance Code 3 with lights and sirens can probably make it  in somewhat less than 5 minutes.

The bill that McCormick (contracted to Redondo) sent was for $2,088 or $522 per mile.

He did not receive oxygen therapy or as far as he knows any medications.  Oxygen in the ambulance, by the way, is treated like filling your tank at the gas station.  Some years ago, I was a Code 3 for an allergic drug reaction to an antibiotic.  One the road, I could not talk but pointed (hysterically, it must be admitted)  at the oxygen port  mounted in the ambulance wall.   My bill later charged me for $125 worth of oxygen.  I have no complaint, much cheaper than cremation after my death.

I mention this as an educational bit of knowledge.

Continuing a costly story ... on arrival at Providence - Little Co. of Mary, Richie's Primary Diagnosis was:  influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with pneumonia.  He spent four days in the hospital.  The bill for that was $24,000.  I could give you more detail if he hadn't misplaced this bill. He may have filed it, using my lighter as a help.

Happily, there was another bill re the hospital and it was itemized thusly:
Initial hospital day care - $605
Subsequent hospital care day - $217
Hospital discharge day - $325
   Total:  $1,147 

After all of the Medicare and PPO insurance nibbles, Richie now owes $203.43.  Thank God it's only that much. We can't afford another ambulance ride for quite some time into the future.  Uber!  Flyte!  You listening?

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