Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Good News! (For Me)

Yesterday I had an appt. with the neuro who sent me for an MRI of my brain to hear the results.  He was barely into the exam room when he said, "Your brain is fine!"  He went on to say that he hadn't expected anything and I concurred with that.

However I forgot to ask and he didn't bring it up, but I am still wondering about whether or not my brain is nicely wrinkled up (said to indicate great intelligence) or as slick as a cue ball.  Despite being the host of this brain, apparently it would be wiser to just leave the whole subject alone.  So be it.

But:  of possible interest to you.  If you suffer leg cramps in your sleep from time to time, the neuro recommended a small glass of DIET tonic water per day.  He said that quinine was an old remedy and some 10 years ago its use for leg cramps was banned, but then the matter got researched thoroughly and now diet tonic is recommended.    Diet tonic has more quinine than non-diet.  And, I would add, fewer calories.

Especially if you add a hefty slug of gin to your drink.  He also recommended a wedge of lime in the naked tonic.  Vitamin C and quinine!  Here's lookin' at'chew good health!   Pass me the gin!

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