Friday, October 27, 2017

A Mixed Bag

Do you want the good news first or the bad?

Okay.  The bad.  My favorite happy place (outside of our house) is the San Pedro restaurant Ports O Call.  La! the merry times we have had there over the years with family and friends as guests as well as all by ourselves.  I put a lot of the gaiety down to the fact that the Sunday brunch includes unlimited champagne.  Champers is a real mood elevator.  I think of it as Rich Man's Alka-Seltzer post a lavish meal.  Or during one.  Or, in fact, as the drink of choice before dining. 

It is to be torn down this November.  Gentrification and wild dreams of avarice are turning the rather sleepy port into a "destination" site.  In a blatant effort to squeeze every nickel possible from people setting off on a cruise, as well as other tourists, the old Ports O Call (including the little stores) is being razed and replaced or homogenized.   This is not progress.  This is a  disaster in the making. 

The good news - to me, if no one else - is that "And the Best Blog Is: Word of Mouth" now has all five stars of the's possible five stars.   I think the glowing positive comments given by many of you put it over the top.  I am most appreciative and I thank you profusely.

Now, if you can halt destruction of Ports O Call...

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