Monday, December 31, 2012

Brooming Out the 2012 Dust

New Year's Day is more exciting to me than New Year's Eve ever was.  "Huh?!" you say, puzzled. 

It's because I am a forward-thinking person.  I honestly would have to pause and think before I could tell you what I had for lunch last Saturday.  Nope, not a fall on my head, not incoming senility or Alzheimer's.  That's just the way I've always been.  Tomorrow is always going to be a great deal more interesting than whatever yesterday held.  Full speed ahead!  Richie is the one who will wistfully say, "A week ago today, we were in (fill in.)"  He's the sentimental one; I'm the sarcastic one. 

I've had my 2013 calendar since well before Christmas.  I keep a typed page of birthdays, by month and person, in the December section of the previous year's calendar.  They're now ready to be entered for all of 2013.  The most far-flung in time appointment right now is the dental tech on March 11th. 

I also keep a list of deaths and this includes the cats.  Very sadly, this year 10 people that we cared about in varying degrees have died.  RIP to you all.

The old calendar reminds me that we went to Palm Springs twice, Las Vegas once, Dallas once and of course, the wedding in Marseille.  I intend to do better than that in 2013.  I suppose that if you really stretched it, that could be a resolution.  Resolutions are all very well and good, but how many people are still committed to whatever it was on February 1st?  Few.  I say don't let your mouth write checks you can't cover. 

Speaking of marking your calendar, if you know someone who will be 80+ or a couple that has a 50th+ wedding anniversary in 2013, you can write to the white House for a presidential greeting to be sent to the person(s) involved.  The Website said that the Obama White House is reporting delays of up to a month or two, so mail your request accordingly.

Mail to:  Presidential Greeting Card, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20500

Be sure to include the recipients name, address, title (Mr. Ms) and zip code.  Be specific:  "Harry and Maud Smith were married on July 15, 1940; thus July 15th, 2013 is their 73rd wedding anniversary."    Include your own name, address and phone number or e-mail if they have any questions. 

Okay - housework is done, rug is back on the floor.   Bring it on, 2013!  Show me what you got!

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