Monday, June 18, 2012

Richie Is Fine

I took him in this morning for an angiogram with the possibility of stent(s) installation.  The surgeon came out after awhile and told me, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with his heart or blood vessels.  All perfectly normal.  The nuclear stress test gave us a false Positive result."

I was confused and puzzled.  "What the hell?"

"Hey, I just gave you the best possible news!"( rather briskly.)

"No! no!  I'm delighted..."

Richie is sleeping off the sedation in the recovery room and will be discharged at noon, doubtless ready for some lunch although they gave him juice, a banana muffin, a banana and coffee in the recovery room before he drifted off to sleep.  An army marches on its collective stomachs, so does Richie.

Meanwhile he gave me his billfold for safekeeping - anybody want to go shopping?  I don't have to be back there till noon ...   

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