Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coming Attraction

Next Door is celebrating their daughter's first birthday today and we have been lucky enough to be included in the invitees. B-list, you may be sure, but nevertheless...

However: it is now 48 degrees outside and raining floods periodically. Not deterred in the slightest, they wrote that we would be having a Traditional British BBQ -- in the house.

They instructed that all of the guests remove shoes when they arrive as there will be "many babies lurking about." Naturally I assumed this meant our hosts meant everyone to get falling down drunk, but less likely to do damage if not shod. My sister dashed my hopes and feverish expectations substantially. She said it was because the babies would be on the floor and shoe soles are majorly unsanitary. Which come to think of it is the reason I don't go barefoot in my own house. God only knows what's down there.

Hope to post pictures later today. Babies are cute little buggers -- when they're happy.

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